About the Artist
I’m Cathryn, the Feral Faerie Queen behind everything that happens here at BlueBassoon.
I’m a professional bassoonist turned apple farmer and cider maker. I have always loved creating with my hands and my passion for authenticity and empowerment drives everything that I do.
Growing up in Vermont, I spent my early days romping in the woods and marveling at the endless variety and fierceness of nature.
During my musical training, I learned how humans can use art to create their own magic and alter their perception of the world.
With BlueBassoon, I meld these two sensibilities together to reflect the magic that I see in nature, my love for color, and to share my delight and wonder with others.
I truly believe that our environment affects our mood and how we feel about ourselves affects the way we interact with everyone and everything.
I also believe that each person has an inner superhero ready to emerge with the right encouragement and inspiration.
I hope you find something here that makes you feel powerful and marvelous, ready to take on the world like the Magical Badass that you are <3
- Cathryn